Missouri’s Choice for CDS Services

What Is CDS?

Missouri’s Consumer Directed Services (CDS) program lets you select, train, and hire someone you know to provide care and be paid by Medicaid as a personal care attendant.

You can choose an eligible friend, neighbor, or family member to be your personal care attendant. If you don’t have someone in mind already, MODANI can help you find a caregiver in your community.

MODANI assists you through the whole process, from determining eligibility and enrolling, to paying your personal care attendant and providing support—all at no cost to you.

What Is CDS?

How We Work

You’re required to work with a provider like MODANI to participate in the CDS program.
We simplify the process of participating.

Here’s what we do

  • Determine whether you’re eligible for CDS
  • Help you enroll and submit the proper documents to MO HealthNet
  • The state arranges an in-home assessment to create a customized care plan and determine the total monthly hours allowed
  • Help you find a caregiver if you don’t already have one in mind
  • Set up state and federal employer agent documents
  • Pay your personal care attendant on a daily or weekly basis
  • Submit your quarterly and annual federal and state tax filings

Here’s what you’ll be able to do

  • Choose and change your personal care attendant
  • Choose the days and times you need help
  • Train your personal care attendant
  • Supervise your personal care attendant
  • Enjoy living in your home with dignity

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the questions we hear a lot. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please get in touch with us!

  • What is CDS?

    Consumer Directed Services (CDS) is a Missouri program that allows people who need personal care at home to select, train, and hire someone they know to provide care and be paid by Medicaid as a personal care attendant.
  • What does MODANI do?

    MODANI is a CDS Provider. Medicaid requires CDS participants to work with a CDS Provider. As a Provider, we help you figure out whether you’re eligible for CDS and arrange an in-home assessment to determine what kinds of care you need and how many hours of care can be covered. We help you enroll in the program, send payments to your personal care attendant, and take care of communications with your Medicaid MO HealthNet plan. We also offer helpful resources and answer any questions that come up once you’re enrolled in CDS.
  • Who is eligible for CDS?

    If you are eligible for a Medicaid MO HealthNet plan, you require assistance with personal care, and you can select, train, and supervise a personal care attendant, you’re probably eligible for CDS. If you get in touch with us, we’ll help you figure out if you’re eligible.
  • Who can be paid to be my caregiver through CDS?

    Any friend or family member except a spouse or legal guardian can be paid to be a caregiver as a personal care attendant through the CDS program. Both the personal care attendant and the person receiving care must be at least 18 years old. Personal care attendants must be Missouri residents and must pass an FCSR (Family Care Safety Registry) screening.
  • What if I don’t already know someone who can be my caregiver?

    MODANI can help you find a caregiver in your community who will be able to give you the help and care you need at home as a CDS personal care attendant. Just get in touch with us and tell us about the kind of care you need.
  • How much will MODANI’s CDS services cost me?

    Nothing. CDS services are available to people who are covered by Medicaid, and Medicaid will pay MODANI for all services we provide to you.
  • Do CDS caregivers need professional training?

    No. You must be 18 years of age or older to be paid as a personal care attendant in the CDS program, but you don’t need any professional training or certification. To be qualified, you must be able to perform the tasks required of you as a caregiver, maintain confidentiality, be able to handle emergency situations, and be emotionally mature and dependable.
  • How do I train my personal care attendant?

    Training your personal care attendant just means that you will explain what you need done. CDS doesn’t require personal care attendants to have any professional training or certification.
  • How do I supervise my personal care attendant?

    Under the CDS program, you supervise the person who is providing care to you. That just means that you’re in charge and can explain what kinds of care you have been approved to receive as part of the program.
  • What if I want to change caregivers or stop receiving care?

    If you decide that you don’t want services anymore or want to choose a different personal care attendant, just get in touch with us and we’ll help you make the change.